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Сборка сервера Acis Project [rev. 79]




- Corrected all possible issues where the total of reputation points wasn't updated.
- Updated some clan packets.
- 3 NPEs fixed;
- Refactored entirely acquireSkillList/acquireSkillInfo;
- Corrected a missing thing on accessLevel (didn't do problems so far, but better to put as it should be);
- cleaned the последняя(ий) 8 errors, and 8 warnings (part of warnings were NPEs, and explained stuff);
- Refactored Hero model.
- L2FishermanInstance inherits from L2MerchantInstance right now.
- Deleted the "missing skill : can't store blabla" NPE issue at any character loading (FrequentSkill wasn't loaded o_o).
- refactored the WeddingManager
- added config for Divine Inspiration spellbooks, and make the original "allow spellbook" config work properly.


I didn't test Hero refactor. Nothing should make you cry, except when the new heroes are named, as it uses a "not-tested-at-all but cleaner" way to unequip then delete all hero stuff from previous heroes. So consider testing this and report if a problem occurs, screenshots appreciated.

In another way, the wedding manager haven't been tested at all, mainly because I count to delete the voicecommandhandler system, and fusion marriage commands on wedding manager HTMs.

WeddingManager refactor, VoicedCommands deletion.

I decided to delete VoicedCommandHandler, which was only used for wedding commands (the .commands).

Divorce and GoToLove are now directly handled by the Wedding manager (id 50007). The config AllowWedding has to be active to make the instance works. Configs have been reduced to the "strict minimum". The system needs more tests in order to find possible exploits, but from what I think, I made it secure.

If you got ideas of code improvement, or find an error/exploit, post in forum please.

I added too the character_raid_points table in installation setup, my bad.

Bouh, this one is pretty big...

Users command refactor.
/dismount is debugged (send the good runspd value),
/mount uses now new methods stored in L2PcInstance, and mount checks have been improved (range use). Need to add the hungry state.
/unstuck is drastically clean. No more config for the timer, as the retail messages don't fit with it.
/loc, /gmlist, /time => typos.

Sieges times debugged
Sieges are loaded at server loading, it corrects this bug from now : http://acis.i-live.eu/index.php?topic=155.0
Revert back time calculation like that :
5 castles are setup on saturday, 4 on sunday (like old L2J IL SQLs, but now it's hardcoded).
Default time is 18h00 for all castle (not like L2J IL, where times were dispatched between 16h00 && 20h00).
They still come every 14 days.
Added the way to put your own castle siege time as owner (between default time : 6PM, and 2 others choices : 4PM or 8PM).

Castles / Sieges
Way way waaaayyyyy many typos.
Some singletons.
A couple of mistakes.

Improved godamn L2CastleChamberlain (got many new functions, and it is ready for future if I have to change them), uses L2Merchant as extends.
Cleaned L2Merchant, the shift click shows the regular L2Npc shiftAction from now.
L2Npc onAction() cleanup, which make drop the @overriden on L2NpcInstance.

added/corrected mount/dismount methods. Use them from now if you want to force someone to eat the ground :P.
one boring GS warning about wrong bypass (when you send a command asking for a value but you just write nothing) have been sent on DEBUG mode.

Misc :
Corrected 20 warnings.
Added a refresh on addItem() from PCInventory (if you read timeline, you perhaps remember about the "ghost dyes" when you break a dye you're supposed to get back 5, but you had to relog). Now it's normally finished.
Corrected a self-made bug which won't show stuff on selection screen. No one saw/reported it, lol, but it exists since 2 revisions. My apologies.

L2J sync 3384, pets, teleport issue corrected

L2J sync 3384
- "Improvements on CharStat, CharStatus, ObjectPosition, Knownlist initialization, thanks Erb"
- I won't bother saying it's useful.
- Debug (from what I tested...) the teleToLocation function, where players zones types weren't updated sometimes (only happened using teleToLocation, imagine you //recall a player who was in town and you're in pvp area, he was still considered as peace/town zone).

- isHungry() implementation, and "you can't mount hungry pets" condition;
- added death message "you got 20min to ress your poor little thing, hurry or emocry because you lose it";
- doRevive and doDie improvements (IA is active at revive, the feed bar isn't set to 10% when pet die, etc);
- when you're mounted, the pet collision height and width is taken instead of regular player's race collision.
- when hungry, the pet is walking, once feed, it's running anew.

Formulas / Misc
- deleted 2 commands (unride_wyvern and unride_strider), I thought even to remove //unride (they don't know /dismount ?), but I kept only for //ride/unride.
- reverted the getStdNPCCalculators() content (part of rev 62). Mobs were way too much overpowered.
- All "Stat" types have been refactored (PcStat, PetStat, CharStat, blablabla). Adds are numerous, like :
- seperated messages if you earn only XP, SP or both;
- drop of 2 configs, the speed when mounted is only linked to the pet template runspd, nothing more.
- added MAX_EVASION config.
- pet atkspd/multiplier is divided per 2 when hungry.
- L2WyvernManager refactor.

RecipeController refactor, not a lot to say, and not a lot to load (-6mo ram on GS stats).

- .csv -> .xml
- All retail messages.
- cleaner code (with the craft custom shit removed, it removes like 20% of code).

I used a mix between Hellbound (for XML engine) and Freya for the code. The recipes.xml comes from Hellbound, minus the dynasty stuff. It's normally the same stats (to be honest I checked 10 random values to see if they fit and that fitted). If by any hazard values aren't the same (NCZoft's logic is sometimes strange), you're allowed to cry on forum.

I tested a private manufacture and self use aswell.

3100-3199.xml + core support.

Plus time correction on certain aggros.

More csv -> xml.

Ty to "theXMLizer, the mysterious contributor" for 99% of this commit. Currently he got no nick, but he knows who he is...

Drop of 3 .csv, think to add xmls. Well, GS will cry anyway if you mess
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