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Source aCis Project rev.260




Changeset 256

Bookmark system, Valakas, Baium (performance), misc

Bookmark system
- addition of //bk, //delbk and //bkpage commands.
- typing "//bk name" will add a marker with your current location. Without parameter, it simply calls the bookmark book.
- you're free to use the //delbk manually or clicking on the "Remove" button near a marker.
- //bkpage is used internally by the system of pages. You haven't to care about it.
- The system stores bookmarks on a new SQL table. A player can't have 2 bookmarks named the same, but 2 bookmarks named the same can coexist on different ppls.
- A button has been added in main admin HTM aswell for fast use.

Valakas - ty Minideed for testing it on L2OFF :]
- heavily modified L2J version (from 1800+ lines => 500 lines) using parts of Baium, includes :
- L2OFF-like spawn && death cinematics
- roaming behavior if no target is found (geodata check is included)
- retail teleport cubics (spawns && number)
- emulate L2OFF behavior, try to use all skills (AoE when surrounded, Meteor when < 50%, Lava Skin shield, etc).
- change "Valakas Family" mobs type from L2Monster to L2RaidBoss, and add minions for 4 of them.
- fix the 8 Lavasaurus Elder near the Heart of Volcano (wrong IDs, and half were inside ground).

- rewrite many parts, leading to better performance
- "angel_aggro_reconsider" task is called 5x less (5s instead of 1s), but the chaos time has been doubled. Angels will tend to harass players more often, and for a longer time (even if target disarm weapon). So yeah don't mess with angels.
- "skill_range" task is called 4x less (2sec instead of 500ms), no more thread.sleep, no more synchronization, and "skill_range" task isn't called by any other methods (in order to avoid the need of synchro). Ingame result looks exactly as before.
- getRandomTarget() is totally rewritten in order to avoid FastList (drop of the synchro). The creation of an Object array is avoided aswell. Pets aren't registered as valid targets.
- drop of a task which was cleaning target every 20sec (now directly handled in concerned methods).

- Fix PolymorphingAngel.java (spawned minions will attack directly), ty Jokkerino.
- Add a general check on skills to decay a corpse when you use corpse target skills (fix many skills such as harvest, summons skills who need corpses, corpse burst,...), ty sahar for reminder.
- drop Newbie system, as it changed on IL... Any character you create between lvl 6 to 25 is considered as newbie, not simply the first.
- fix *selfadded* error about magical skills affected by physical mute. Ty Hasha for fix && Junior for report.
- Fixed the onKillEvent timer, from 5sec to 3sec, ty Jokkerino for report.

Changeset 257

General tasks, misc (ty ipxs for some reports)

General tasks - ty jurchiks for the idea
- following tasks are now handled by a unique task rather than using one task per player : PvpFlagTask, WaterTask && TakeBreakTask.
- those tasks use a Map in order to stock individual timers.
- for 100 players, 100 TakeBreakTask were created, and as much tasks if (let's say) those 100 players are pvping (+100) under water (+100) = potentially 300 tasks. Now only 3 tasks are running, no matter how many ppl are online.

- add the Teleportation Cubic exit section for Baium (supposed to be handled in another script, moved in GrandBossTeleporters).
- you aren't flagged anymore casting positive effects on guards (both siege and regular).
- fix castlewarehouse && castleblacksmith "busy" HTM, and add a clan right check for blacksmith (+ cleanup for both instances).
- fix Pa'agrio's Fist (must restore 100% CP, not simply 800).
- fix Fatal Counter (based on your own HPs, not enemies' + formula rework) - ty Duma. getPower() method loses one parameter.
- singletons on PetitionManager && AutoSpawnHandler
- revert some ArrayLists for FastList (fix concurrentException errors on sieges)

- Fix possible targets on siege summons skills (one siege summon can only aim L2PcInstance, others can only aim L2DoorInstance).
- Fix doors issue (doors not respawning at siege end). At siege end, they revive, fully HPregen and close if opened.
- Doors don't respawn if destroyed during a midVictory, but they will respawn at siege end.
- castle chamberlain instance is fully rewritten, HTMs names have been shortened and content is harmonized. Many privileges checks have been added.
- when a castle wall is destroyed, the correct message is displayed.
- skill cast on Artifacts is fixed (changing target before the end of "Seal Of Ruler" won't stop the skill)
- Addition of retail-like castle gate upgrade system via castle chamberlain.
- It uses 2 "cursors" to calculate the price :
- type of door (basic doors, additional doors or walls)
- power of the reinforcement (x2, x3 or x5 HPs).
- the cost of doors updates, as their pdef/mdef, are infuenced by Seal of Strife owner.
- the upgrade is instant, and is loaded/saved through server restarts aswell (as I need _doorUpdates being fed for the hp ratio check on chamberlain).
- all retails HTMs have been added, and checks are ok (not enough money in CWH, door already updated with a similar or better level, etc).

- GMs non-aggro state has been moved from //invul to //hide command. Ty Pleasure for the good idea.
- drop some GMs "privileges" which could lead to "false alarms" reports from users (like GMs not being ported when a siege begins).
- all variables are (and will be from now, no matter how sad Java-Man will be) initialized in the shorter possible scope. Fix an ugly issue where DoorTable was adding all left doors to latest castle _doors (so Schuttgart had 50+ gates). Castle gates aren't verified anymore for CH purposes.
- drop String.valueOf() on getNodeValue() - as the result is a String, it doesn't need further operation...

Changeset 259

Fishes rework (ty Java-man), misc (ty xblx for random fixes and sahar for reports)

Fishes rework
- handles differently load and get fish process (regroup data in 1 array instead of 3, avoid to create multiple arrays and new FishData objects)
- fix fishTable skills levels, ty 100500.

- if identical jewel is currently worn, then replace the other slot if different (explanation is messy, but just test ingame and gtfo).
- fix an exploit using clan warehouse when you left your clan (active warehouse could be clan, and wasn't cleaned).
- fix previous knownlists update (int cast was affecting only 1.5 value). It is rounded aswell.
- fix pets pickup, which are now affected by party distribution modes.
- fix Goblets NPC.
- fix double click on dead monsters (avoid to be stucked), cleanup those methods aswell. Drop of canTarget() method.
- onActionShift() use L2PcInstance rather than GameClient as parameter.
- add skillId on callSkill exception log for easier debug purposes.
- fix 2 issues on Valakas AI and 1 on Baium AI, related to skills priority and offline target. Rework Baium getRandomTarget() method to be faster.
- fix a ClassCastException on RequestRecipeShopManagePrev packet.
- fix a NullPointerException on RequestPledgeSetAcademyMaster packet.
- fix an NumberFormatException with CrestCache system ("Crest_Large_" were cutted as "Crest_", and so the id was containing "Large_".
- getCharactersInside() has been changed for a FastList instead of FastMap, as there is no interest to keep Map format. Use of _characterList rather than the getter.
- sendPacket() implementation for L2Summon, which refer directly to owner.
- L2GoldenRamInstance cleanup, the FastMap has been changed for an int[][]. Updates the related HTM.
- forgotten to add on timeline = xp/sp of monsters are affected by their HPs ratio.

Changeset 260

Skills rework (elemental, cancel, negate), misc

Skills rework
- implementation of following methods: ssUncharge(), spsUncharge(), isSoulshotCharged(), isSpiritshotCharged() && isBlessedSpiritshotCharged(). Move ss/bss checks out of targets loops.
- fix Cancel/Banes skillhandler :
- formula rework : addition of level diff, baseRate (80% for single target, 40% for aoe), and vuln is now applied on the good section of formula.
- toggles aren't counted anymore as possible effects to cancel.
- failed attempts are now counted (before effects were looped until 5 effects were dropped).
- all (L2Character[]) casts have been dropped in order to avoid ClassCastException using skills.
- cleanup BalanceLife skillhandler ; store valid targets in another list rather than using old list and make twice same checks (...).
- CombatPointHeal doesn't heal dead targets anymore.
- addition of suicide stuff on PDAM skillhandler (potential use for antharas minions).
- NEGATE L2SkillType (part of Disabler skillhandler) is heavily cleaned, and not affected anymore by calcSkillSuccess().
- fix "SKILLS" elemental vuln/pro (revert to IL, was using postIL formula).
- addition of "WEAPONS" elemental system (fix skills such as Holy Blade toggle, Holy weapon PP buff). Vuln/pro affect damages TOO !

- cleanup && addition of missing PaganKeys, ty sahar. No clue if it's retail-like, they're added here for the moment.
- NPCs social animations are divided by 2.
- L2Npc : drop of _isBusy / _busyMessage and associated getters/setters + drop of the HTM.
- fix issue from previous commit about hpRatio impacting earned XP/SP (I HATE DOUBLE).
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